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Stamford GreenPrimary School and Nursery

Online and E-Safety

Have you noticed the 'CEOP Report Abuse' button on our homepage? CEOP stands for 'Child Exploitation and Online Protection' centre and holds a wealth of information regarding E-safety, targeted at teachers, parents and children to name but a few of its target groups. It is a division of the Police which deals with this area specifically.

If you or your child have any concerns regarding E-safety at home, please visit the CEOP website for further information or to make a report. You can click on the CEOP shortcut button on the Stamford Green homepage for a direct link.

At Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our pupils and this encompasses safety on-line.

A growing number of children spend up to (and in some cases, over) 2 hours per day playing computer games and/or accessing the internet through a vast array of devices which can access the internet. As much as we would like to protect our children from the inappropriate content which exists online, as this is an ever changing entity it is more beneficial to our children in the long run to teach them how to deal with such instances. 

For further information about the Computing curriculum, including how we teach E-safety to our children, please see the Curriculum Maps and click on the Computing link.  Please also see details of our Computing and E-Safety Policy

We have created a series of short guides for parents. In each of them, Mr Vidal spends five minutes exploring key issues concerning Online Safety. Please see below if you would like to watch them:

Mr Vidal explores screen time. What are the effects of screen time and how much is too much?

Mr Vidal explores the setting of rules. Which rules help keep children safe?

How to keep our home networks and devices as safe as possible.

What do we need to know about Social Media?

What do we need to know about Parental Controls?