Working Together
At Stamford Green we truly value the contribution that our pupils make to our school. Because of this, we are always thinking about how to increase opportunities for pupil leadership, across a variety of year groups.
Head Boy/Head Girl and their Deputies.
In Year 6, the children have the opportunity to put their names forward to be either Head Boy/ Head Girl or Deputy Head Boy/Head Girl. They need to be available to attend some school events that happen after school during the school year, speak to prospective parents, governors and teachers and demonstrate our school values. They will also have to be superb role models for the rest of school and be someone whom the other children aspire to be like.
The children interested in this role need to inform their class teachers and then do a short presentation to Mrs Druce, Mrs Williams and a school Governor, outlining why they would be an excellent candidate for Head Boy and Head Girl. Mrs Druce, Mrs Williams and the school Governor then decide the outcome, based upon each child’s presentation, as well as answers to some gentle follow up questions.
This year our Head Girls and Head Boys are:
India, Barbara, Alex and Samuel.
Our Deputy Head Girls and Deputy Head Boys are:
Abbie, Evie, Esme, Heidi, Martha, Sam, Samuel, Jake and Ryan.
When each child joins Stamford Green, they join one of four school houses: Ashley, Hookfield, Horton or Waterloo. In Year 6 the children are given the opportunity to become a House or Vice Captain for their houses.
Through the theme, ‘Vote for Me’, we learn about the electoral process and how democracy works. During English lessons, we study famous inspirational speeches from significant leaders from the past. We spend time identifying and analysing the features of persuasion used and consider the effect on the audience. We then apply these to our speeches.
The whole school is involved in electing their new House and Vice House Captains. Each house (from across all year groups) come together to hear the Year 6s perform their speech and then get to vote for their preferred candidate.
Once elected, the captains have a responsibility to be the role models for their houses throughout the year. Part of their job is to organise the collating of house points and values buttons each week and hoisting their house’s flag if they win. As well as this, they represent their house on sports day; if their house wins they are encouraged to give an acceptance speech.
This year our House Captains are:
Behaviour Ambassadors
The Stamford Green Behaviour Ambassadors Partnership is made up of one child per class (Y2-Y6), staff and a governor. The role is maintained for the whole year. The group meet twice per term with the focus of everyone’s happiness in school. We take the issue of bullying seriously and value the working in partnership with all concerned to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
The Code of Conduct for each Behaviour Ambassador is:
To look out for lonely people.
Be an extra pair of ears and eyes.
Be happy and smile.
Be kind and helpful.
Suggest games and come up with ideas.
Respect others.
Set a good example.
Be active.
Be encouraging.
Please feel free to have a look at our noticeboard if you are in and around school.
If you have any concerns around bullying, please contact Mrs Dray (Deputy Headteacher: Inclusion)
School Council (SGSC)
Stamford Green’s School Council is overseen by Mrs Williams. Every class (Y1 – Y6) have a class representative and are elected for the whole school year. They meet twice per term. The meetings are run by the chair, vice-chair and secretary (Y6). They discuss suggestions from the classes and find ways in which to help.
The School Council gives the children an opportunity to have their voices heard and to feel part of the school community. To be a school councillor, the children need to have certain skills, such as being a good listener, being non-biased, and being a good role model. These qualities help to achieve realistic goals. The representatives often have to feedback to their class mates what has been discussed and sometimes have to ask for opinions and ideas for the different decisions that they play such an important part in making.
Each half term, the School Councillors host a Generations Coffee Morning for retired local residents and grandparents. The school councillors serve refreshments and it’s a great opportunity to share experiences across the generations.
Eco Warrors
Stamford Green is proud to be a part of Eco-Schools, an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey. This provides us with a simple framework to help make sustainability an integral part of our school life.
Each class has an Eco Warrior, who attends meetings during the school year. Our Eco Warriors are responsible for agreeing, developing and implementing the green agenda throughout the school. They are then in charge of communicating any initiatives back to their classes and ensuring everyone follows best practice. Every week, the Eco Warriors are responsible for all the recycling in the school.
The Eco Warriors worked hard to develop the Eco Code. It is displayed in every classroom and sets out our school’s sustainable priorities:
At Stamford Green, we care about…
Saving energy
• We turn off lights, computers and other electrical equipment when they are not being used.
• We stop to think before we put anything in the bin.
• We use the right bins for our recycling.
Saving water
• We turn off the taps when we are not using them.
• We use the short flush for the toilet when we can.
Healthy living
• We eat balanced meals.
• We are active every day.
• We enjoy being outside.
The creatures around us
• We encourage wildlife into our school.
Our impact on the world
• We understand what we can do to protect the environment.

Year 2 Prefects
In Year 2, children get the opportunity to be a Prefect. Prefects should demonstrate excellent behaviour and show our school values at all times. Class teachers select two children per class to be Prefects for that week, after which new ones are chosen.
When the child is a Prefect, their duties include being responsible for being in the right place at the right time. It is an excellent chance for children to shine in this role and we give each child who is chosen to be a Prefect with a personalised award.
Some of the responsibilities of a Prefect include:
- cutting up food for younger children
- helping to fill up cups with water from the jug
- re-filling water jugs when empty
- helping to serve food at the salad bar
- helping to clear up and tidy after lunch
- encouraging children who drop food or rubbish to pick it up
- re-filling the cutlery pots, if needed
- being willing to ask for help from the Prefect Leaders if needed
- remind children of our process to look after our hall
E – Everyone use your quiet indoor voices
A – Always use your manners (please and thank you)
T – Tidy away your plate, cutlery, or lunchbox, table and the floor.
Office Prefects
Every September, Y6 children are invited to present to Mrs Druce about how they think they can contribute to the running of the school as an Office Prefect. The children need to demonstrate that they are reliable, responsible and caring. The Office Prefects work with the office staff every day to help the school. Jobs can range from redistributing values buttons to delivering items to classrooms and helping with taking messages. This leadership role encourages the children to develop their problem solving skills and use of initiative.
Year 6 Buddies
Each year, the Year 6 children love the opportunity to be buddies for the new Reception children. The children are paired with one of the Reception children and start by writing letters welcoming them to the school, reassuring them about worries and telling them about some of the wonderful things they have to look forward to. Throughout the year, they will look out for their buddies on the playground, read stories to them and share some fun experiences with them - for example, in the past they have performed shadow puppet productions. They always try to wave and have an encouraging smile for their buddies when they see them around the school.
Year 6 Sports Crew
Our Year 6 children are invited to become part of our Sports Crew. The children will be asked to support various sporting events throughout the year but particularly when we are preparing for our year group Sports Afternoons. The Sports Crew will help in the organisation and preparations leading up to these events. They will also assist at the events, coaching the children, scoring activities and setting up equipment. The children thrive with this responsibility and help make these events a huge success.
Library Guardians
Mrs Spooner supports the Library Guardians to look after the library. The role of Library Guardian is to make sure that the library is well organised, well stocked and appealing. Then the READ acronym.
The children know the expectation of
R – Right place for books
E – Excellent sitting
A – Attention on books
D – Drop off shoes
It's important to us to introduce our children to the benefits of collaboration and teamwork. To help us achieve this, we hold weekly sessions where children in Years 2 to 6 work together on projects with a community focus. Although our teachers guide the sessions, our older children are asked to actively lead and support the younger children. The sessions are inspired by the Maori concept of Whanau, meaning 'extended family'.