For YR - Y6
Surrey County Council is the admission authority for this school. To find up-to-date information about the school's admission arrangements and details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year, please use this link: School admissions - Surrey County Council (
If you have been offered an in-year place, please contact Mrs Ravago, or 01372 725383 to arrange a visit.
To search for local schools and see your distance from different schools please use Find a School.
YR Surrey County Council Admission Arrangements
For Nursery
Nursery admissions are managed by the school. For information about applying to Nursery, please see Nursery Admissions in Welcome to Nursery.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer private school tours for prospective pupils. Please see our Welcome to Prospective Parents page to book onto one of our open mornings and see our virtual tour.