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Stamford GreenPrimary School and Nursery

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery

Our vision is to be a continually impThe head teacher standing in the library with a group of children.  They are all smiling.roving learning community for all, where children realise their potential.

Prospective parents please click here to find out about our Open Events.

The school motto is 'Working together to be the best we can' and this is brought to life through our seven commitments, to each child, during their seven year journey with us:

Inspiring ~ Happiness ~ Values ~ Achieving ~ Ambition ~ Learning ~ Togetherness.

Please click here to read more about our commitments.

We are a primary school and nursery with three forms of entry from Reception to Year 6 as well as two nursery classes.   We have 630 children on roll from Reception to Year 6 and about 50 children in Nursery.   Our published admission numbers (PAN) is to admit 90 children into Reception each year.

The children in Nursery are split into two classes, Cygnets and Swans with the younger children in Cygnets.  They have their own specifically designed learning environment which has both indoor and outdoor space. The children in the three Reception classes work together through our continuous provision in purposely designed classrooms and cloakrooms with an extensive outdoor space.

Throughout the rest of the school in YR-Y6, the children are organised into classes which usually have 30 pupils in them with a Class Teacher.  In YR, each class also has a Teaching Assistant.  Other Teaching Assistants and Pupil Support Assistants are deployed from Y1 to Y6 depending on need to support and challenge children to ensure their potential is realised.

In addition to this, our Music Coach, Sports Coach, Spanish (MFL) Teacher and Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) ensure that specialised teaching and learning happens when the class teachers are planning, preparing and assessing (PPA time).

I hope you find our website useful and informative, but please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Mrs Louise Druce